6 Dec 2012

What a lovely day!

I've had a lovely day despite of I'm pretty sick. However, I chose nevertheless to ride Giga. She was just so good and obedient. I walked her warm in the indoor arena and rode her the rest of the time outside. A girl got some riding lesson so I wouldn't disturb.

It is funny how you completely forget that you're sick when you ride. I didn't cough one time on Giga but as soon as I jumped of her, my coughing started  again! So strenge?

Giga is just a dream to ride when she isn't in her temperamental mood :P

Don't ask me. That horse is pretty crazy. Horse like Owner I guess? ;-D

5 Dec 2012

A blizzard came out of the blue!

Here are some pictures from today. Normally it takes 20 minutes to drive out to the stable today it took 40 minutes. All of a the sudden the sun disappeared and a blizzard came out of the blue ...

Unfortunately, I'm hit by a bad flu, so I only had energy to muck the boxes and groom Victor. I took him briefly into the indoor arena, it's important he learns to be alone without going completely in panic mood. He did well :-)

Beauty of the Day

I'm NOT one the phone

It's really weird but everyone always wants to contact me when I'm out riding or training the horses. It is certain every time.

Every time I get out to the stable a million people starts calling and text messaging me! [A slightly exaggeration]. But still, it's so annoying. I have tried many times to explain to people that when I'm at the stable I don't take my phone unless something  serious has happened.

Have you tried the same? Is it just me who is experiencing this?

Mystic warrior, he's just so handsome!

Too much snow!

Here in Denmark there has fallen so much snow in our area so the phone and internet cables has been bothered by it the past several days, so I'm so sorry for my inactivity on my blog!


2 Dec 2012

Let it snow!

Today a lot of snow has fallen. I can't believe how happy I am that my little angels are sleeping inside at night. The whole thing couldn't have been better timed!

I'm like a little kid when I see snow. It's so cozy and it lights up these dark days. And the horses are not muddy anymore. They are clean!

Here's some picture from today:

Golden zebra

This is Zoe. She's a golden zebra born on the island of Moloka'i and is believed to now be the only such captive zebra in existence. She has blue eyes and gold stripes.
She's just so beautiful!