2 May 2012

Positive news

I have some postive news (maybe), BUT I think I found the blame for Gigas extremely fiery temper. I think it's the food's fault. I found out it contains:

Wheat, barley, molasses, soybean flour, wheat bran, soya beans, corn, salt, ground limestone, vitamins / minerals and herbs.

It may well be there's no oats in the food, but it haves quite a lot of grains in it! It's really not good for a cold blooded horse. So tomorrow I'm going to buy some new food for my girl :-)

Today she's was actually really nice and calm. I traind a LOT on her stop and go signal, she really needs to learn to wait. It was really hot, about 20 degrees +. So it maybe influenced her to be more calm and tired. Who knows :-P?